ebridge ATCHP Process

ATCHP (Assess- Train - Coach- Hire - Promote) providing a comprehensive and objective approach to career development that minimizes the impact of unconscious bias and discrimination.

The ATCHP (Assess- Train - Coach- Hire - Promote) Process


In today's rapidly evolving job market, it has become increasingly important for individuals to clearly understand their skills, personality, and values to determine the most suitable career path. However, more than simply knowing one's strengths and interests is required to succeed in today's competitive job market. Technical training, coaching, and support throughout one's career journey are also crucial factors in achieving success and fulfilling one's potential. 
The process was developed by eBridge, a pioneer in technical training with decades of experience for several Universities and major companies such as Amazon and IBM.

The ATCHP Career Development Process is designed to provide a comprehensive and objective approach to career development that minimizes the impact of unconscious bias and discrimination.
The process is also based on the principle of shared responsibility between the candidate and the program. To be effective, the candidate must be disciplined and consistent in following the plan, dedicating at least 2 hours a day.

 Step 1: Skills, Personality, and Value Assessment

The first step in the ATCHP Career Development Process is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of a person's skills, personality, and values. This assessment should involve a thorough evaluation of a person's natural abilities, work preferences, and core values to determine their strengths and interests. This information will provide a foundation for choosing a career that aligns with the individual's skills, personality, and values.
Many personality test theories have been developed over the years, but some of the most widely recognized and used include:
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): This process is based on Carl Jung's process of personality and identifies individuals as having one of 16 personality types based on four dichotomies: extraversion vs. introversion, sensing vs. intuition, thinking vs. feeling, and judging vs. perceiving.
Big Five Personality Traits (Five Factor Model or FFM): This process identifies five broad dimensions of personality: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
Trait Theory: This process focuses on individual differences in personality traits, such as conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness, extraversion, and agreeableness.
Social Cognitive Theory: This process emphasizes the role of social learning and environmental factors in shaping personality.
Psychoanalytic Theory: This theory, developed by Sigmund Freud, emphasizes the role of unconscious motivation and early childhood experiences in shaping personality.
These are just a few of the many personality test theories that have been developed. It's important to note that these theories are not mutually exclusive and can often complement each other in a comprehensive assessment. Utilizing these assessment tools provides a clear and objective understanding of a person's skills, personality, and values, which can be used to make informed decisions in recruitment, management, and talent development.

 Step 2: Technical Training
Once a person has a clear understanding of their skills, personality, and values, the next step is to provide technical training based on the latest technologies and market demand. This training should focus on developing the technical skills and knowledge necessary for success in the chosen career path. This training should be designed to keep pace with the rapidly changing job market and the latest technologies and trends.
Step 3: Coaching and Self-Improvement
The third step in the ATCHP Career Development Process is to provide coaching and support to help individuals unleash their true potential. This coaching should be rooted in self-improvement theories and should include step-by-step instructions for achieving personal and professional growth. The goal of this coaching is to help individuals develop a customized plan for self-improvement that will support their long-term career success.
In this step, the coaching should also focus on the development of soft skills, which are becoming increasingly important in today's job market. According to a study by the World Economic Forum (2020), the top 5 most in-demand soft skills are:
Emotional intelligence
Critical thinking and problem-solving
Creativity, originality, and initiative
Active learning and learning strategies
Adaptability and flexibility
The value of these soft skills lies in their ability to enhance one's ability to work well with others, handle stress and change, and adapt to new situations. By developing these skills, individuals can improve their overall job performance and increase their chances of success in their chosen careers.

 Step 4: Visibility and Interview Preparation

Step 4 of the ATCHP Career Development Theory focuses on increasing an individual's visibility and preparing them for job interviews. This step involves training in interview skills, resume writing, and salary negotiation. It also includes a partnership with local banks to provide financial education, including credit building and salary negotiation. This financial education aims to maximize candidates' earning potential and increase their hiring chances. This step aims to provide comprehensive support to individuals in their job search, helping them make informed decisions and achieve their career goals. The partnership with local banks allows access to expert financial advice and resources, enabling individuals better to understand the financial aspects of their career journey. This support can be instrumental in helping individuals to negotiate a fair salary and to build their credit, thereby improving their overall financial well-being and increasing their chances of success in the job market.
One key component of the interview preparation process is the interview mock, a recorded session with a seasoned professional that provides a realistic simulation of a job interview. The benefits of this mock interview are numerous and include the following:
Improving Interview Skills: The mock interview provides a hands-on opportunity to practice and improve interview skills, including answering questions, body language, and overall presentation.
Identifying Weaknesses: By participating in a mock interview, candidates can identify their weaknesses and areas for improvement, allowing them to address these areas before the actual interview.
Building Confidence: The mock interview helps build confidence, reducing anxiety and stress levels during the actual interview.
Receive Feedback: Participants receive constructive feedback from a seasoned professional, which helps them improve their performance and increase their chances of success in the interview.

We also offer a workshop on the STAR format, a widely used and effective method for answering behavioral interview questions. The STAR format is an acronym for Situation, Task, Action, and Result, and it provides a structure for candidates to create a narrative about their past experiences and how they handled certain situations in the workplace.
During the workshop, candidates will learn about behavioral interviews and the importance of effectively communicating their skills and experiences to potential employers. The workshop covers the basics of the STAR format and provides hands-on practice for candidates to hone their interview skills.
Regarding creditworthiness and job search, candidates need to understand the impact their credit history can have on their job prospects. Many employers conduct credit checks as part of their hiring process, and a low credit score or history of financial problems can negatively impact a candidate's chances of getting hired. This is why it is essential for candidates to be proactive in improving their credit and financial health and to understand how this can impact their job search.
Several resources are available that provide statistics and information on the importance of creditworthiness in the job search. For example, a study conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management found that nearly 60% of employers conduct credit checks on job candidates. A poor credit history can negatively impact a candidate's chances of getting hired. Another study conducted by the National Association of Professional Background Screeners found that 50% of employers have found information in a credit check that led them to not hire a candidate.
By offering workshops on creditworthiness and financial education, as well as providing interview preparation sessions using the STAR format, our program aims to help candidates increase their earning potential, improve their credit and financial health, and increase their chances of getting hired. By providing these resources, we are helping to empower individuals to take control of their financial future and achieve their career goals.

Step 6: Network Events with Potential Employers
One of the most effective ways to land a job is to network with potential employers, and this is why we have included a step in our process that focuses specifically on this. In this step, we will provide a plan to introduce our candidates to local companies through network events.
We will identify and attend networking events that align with the career goals of our candidates.
Our team will work with local companies and organizations to secure invitations for our candidates to attend these events.
Candidates will be given training on how to network effectively and make a positive impression on potential employers.
Candidates can make meaningful connections with employers, learn about job opportunities, and potentially even secure on-site interviews.
This step aims to provide our candidates with a direct line of access to potential employers, increasing their chances of securing a job. By participating in these events, our candidates can build their professional network and make valuable connections in their field.

 Step 7: Career Advancement and Leadership Development

The final step in the ATCHP Career Development Process is to follow individuals throughout their career journey and provide support and guidance in developing their leadership skills. This should involve regular coaching and training to help individuals take their careers to the next level and achieve promotions.
Step 8: Workshop or Builders Session
Duration: 2 days
Objective: To provide hands-on experience in creating real-world solutions for businesses and to foster innovation and creativity among the participants.
Day 1: Introduction to different tools and technologies that can be used to create solutions for businesses.
Day 2: Participants will work in small groups to create a solution for a real-world business problem. This could be anything from creating a virtual PBX to developing an Alexa Skill.
Participants should have a basic understanding of coding and technology.
They should bring their laptops and any other equipment they need for the workshop.
They should be prepared to work in a fast-paced environment and be willing to learn and experiment with new technologies.
Value Proposition:
This workshop will allow participants to apply their technical skills to real-world problems and see the tangible impact of their work.
It will help to build their confidence and showcase their skills to potential employers.
The workshop will provide a supportive and collaborative environment for participants to network with other IT professionals and exchange ideas.

Shared Responsibility: A Key Requirement for Effective Theory

The success of the technical training and job search program heavily depends on the shared responsibility between the candidate and the training provider. It is critical for the candidate to be disciplined and consistent in following the plan, dedicating a set amount of time each day, rather than cramming all efforts into the weekend. By committing to a consistent approach, the candidate can fully benefit from the program and increase their chances of landing their desired job. Both the candidate and the training provider have a role to play in ensuring the program's success, and it is through this shared responsibility, the best results can be achieved.

One key aspect of shared responsibility is dedicating a set amount of time each day to job searching rather than trying to fit it all into the weekend. For example, the candidate may dedicate two hours a day to updating their resume, networking, or preparing for interviews. By making job searching a daily habit, the candidate is more likely to make steady progress and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
It's important to note that the job search process is a team effort, and the candidate should also be open to feedback and support from their mentor, career counselor, or another support network. Together, the candidate and their support network can work towards finding the candidate their next job.

The ATCHP Career Development Process provides a comprehensive approach to career development that limits the impact of unconscious bias and discrimination in the evaluation and assessment process. By utilizing objective and transparent assessment techniques, individuals can clearly understand their skills, personality, and values and receive the support and guidance necessary to reach their full potential. The ATCHP Career Development Process is designed to help individuals succeed in their chosen careers and make meaningful contributions to their organizations and society.

World Economic Forum. (2020). The Future of Jobs Report 2020. Retrieved from https://www.weforum.

References and Recommended Reading:
"Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type" by Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger
"The MBTI Manual: A Guide to the Development and Use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator" by Isabel Briggs Myers and Mary H. McCaulley
"The Big Five Personality Traits: The Five Factor Model of Personality in the Workplace" by Brent W. Roberts and Sheldon Rothman
"Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ" by Daniel Goleman
"Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck
"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change" by Stephen R. Covey
Note: These are popular books and authors in the field of personality and career development, but it is recommended to conduct further research and seek guidance from a professional before making any career or educational decisions.